How is Brand Tagline different from the Campaign Theme?
The brand campaign theme is customized according to seasons, festivals, hot trends, etc. It can achieve quick popularity but with short-term relevance to consumers. The brand tagline creation is designed to convey the core value and concept of the brand. Compared with the campaign theme, the brand tagline can stand for a long time and maintain longer relevance to consumers.
How can it help with your enterprise transformation and why is it important to your company?
Brand tagline plays two important roles:
1) helping the audience understand the brand;
2) resonating with consumers.
These 2 points are key to build a strong and long-standing brand image in the audience’s mind.
A brand prioritizes different business and may hold different or evolving Corporate Value, Brand Vision or Selling Point throughout its lifecycle.
While the brand name usually has to stay the same, the tagline can be regularly updated to convey the core brand message on different development stage. Therefore, a good tagline is a catalyst for the successful transformation on different development stages.