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Product Naming 

A product name identifies a specific product or service and could be as generic as an outright descriptor. But when it comes to product and brand recognition, a winning product naming strategy matters.

What Is Product Naming?   

A good product name brings your brand to the next level.  

5 questions to ask yourself before naming the product: 

  1. Does the name forge a strong bond with my brand? 
  2. Does the name amplify unique selling points? 
  3. Does the name set the product apart from the pack and evoke desired feelings? 
  4. Is the name intriguing and appealing with easy pronunciation in the target markets? 
  5. Is the name ownable in all Trademark registries that matter? Whether it can be registered independently in the trademark database or jointly with the parent brand? 

What Is a Good Example of Brand Naming?

A great example that is known widely is McDonald's flavored ice cream: The McFlurry® 

  • The McFlurry® embodies McDonald's long-standing tradition in adding the "Mc" prefix to its items, which is a strategic way in expanding brand recognition and promoting synergy. 
  • The name undeniably captures the icy feeling of ice-creams since “flurry” means “swirling snow”. 
  • Flurry’s alternative interpretation as "a rapid active commotion” reflects the product’s making process in which the ice cream and other ingredients — candies, cookies, sauces, etc. — are "flurried" together. 
  • The frozen treat comes in a wide variety of flavors in countries around the world, including M&M's, Caramel Brownie, etc. Connotating “a sudden occurrence of many things at once”, McFlurry therefore also conveys to consumers that such diverse flavors are simultaneously offered worldwide. 
  • And last but not least, it is an ownable name that has been registered globally. 

Pain Point

A product name identifies a specific product or service and could be as generic as an outright descriptor. But when it comes to product and brand recognition, winning Product Naming Strategies matter, as it aims to address the following 4 pain points: 

  • Differentiation: unique names prompt them to stand out from the competitive niche market 
  • Balance: strike a balance between the emotional benefits and unique selling point 
  • Readability: linguistically appealing and memorable across dialects 
  • Registrability: due to the functional and generic expression of the product name, its trademark registrability is more challenging than the brand name. 

How is Product Naming different from Brand Naming?  

The difference between product names and brand names is that the former expresses a higher degree of specificity and colloquialism.

  1. Chiefly serving to illustrate a product, product names tend to convey clear and direct messages by being more descriptive of functions and benefits. Being more consumer-centric, product names portray product experiences, communicate the RTB (reason to buy), and at times embody calls to action. Brand names, however, reflect the overall vision and identity of the brand and offers intangible values. 
  2. Product names also tend to utilize fixed phrases or casual references to create less distance and promote easy communication. In comparison, brand names could be more abstract to encompass a broader portfolio of products and services. 

How can it help with your product and why is it important to your brand?  

A good product name can vividly reflect its distinctive selling point and achieve high efficiency on communication within short. Transformation towards consumer-centricity is an ongoing focus for brands. Good product names are key to maintaining success. 


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