Pain Point
Corporate naming is a crucial first step in building a unique and vivid corporate image. However, it’s a big challenge to own a good corporate name that simultaneously meets the following 4 points:
- Fits the corporate positioning.
- Stays viable in transformations the corporate might pursue (internationalization, innovation…).
- Is inclusive to cover all business units.
- Is registrable both as a trademark and a business name to be ownable.
How is Corporate Naming different from Brand Naming?
Brand naming is consumer or client- facing and needs to pass trademark registration. However, corporate naming faces different audiences such as employees, investors, government, business partners, etc. It needs to pass the corporate registration system.
How can it help with your enterprise transformation and why is it important to your company?
A corporate name is the most valuable/ beneficial and fundamental asset of any company. It’s an embodiment of the enterprise vision. In the long-term business growth, a corporate name integrates inclusively all business units. It represents solidly the corporate and speaks to stakeholders from all levels.